Jane Austen July TBR |
Jane Austen
July is a month long readathon all about Jane Austen, her works, and her time
period. I’ve wanted to join the challenge for years, but I’ve always had other
books on my TBR that I’ve wanted to read first. But now that I finally have my
TBR under control, I decided it was time to join the readathon.
There are
seven challenges in this readathon: five books and two screen adaptations. There
are also readalongs associated with the challenge. This year’s books are Sense
and Sensibility, Sanditon, and The Watsons. I won’t be
participating in the readalongs because I had already decided what I wanted to
read before the readalong books were announced. You can find more about the
challenge from the Youtube videos posted by the hosts of the challenge (Katie
from Books and Things, Marissa from Blatantly Bookish, and Claudia from Spinster’s Library). There’s a Goodreads group where you can discuss about the challenge with other readers.
without further ado, here are my choices for this year’s readathon and my reasons
for picking them. (Links with * are Amazon affiliate links.)