31 January 2024

Book Review: The Book Eaters by Sunyi Dean

Book title: The Book Eaters
Author: Sunyi Dean
Genre: Modern fantasy
Published: August 18, 2022 by HarperVoyager
298 pages
My rating: 3.5/5

“For here was the thing that no fairy tale would ever admit, but that she understood in that moment: love was not inherently good.

Hidden across England and Scotland live six families of book eaters. Devon Fairweather grows up thinking that she’s a princess like the princesses in the fairytales she eats. But life doesn’t always have a happy ending and love can be destructive, as Devon learns when her son is born with a darker kind of hunger – he doesn’t eat books, but minds.

26 January 2024

AuthorTube Newbie Tag

I recently began posting on Youtube, and as I’m planning to post both bookish content and documenting my writing journey, I decided that the AuthorTube Newbie Tag would be a perfect place to start with. Watch the video to learn a little bit about me and tell me in the comments where you are in your writing journey and what you're working on!

24 January 2024

Book Review: Ithaca by Claire North

Book Title: Ithaca
Author: Claire North
Genre: Historical fantasy, ancient retelling
Published: September 6, 2022 by Orbit
400 pages
My rating: 4/5

The Trojan War has been over for a decade, but the king of Ithaca, Odysseus, is yet to return home and is presumed dead. In his absence, his wife Penelope juggles to fill the power vacuum and protect her son, Telemachus, a sulky teenager who doesn’t know how to be a man. A hall full of suitors are vying for her hand and the throne, eating and drinking all of Penelope’s and Ithaca’s wealth, while pirates attack the island every full moon. Ithaca is at the mercy of other Greek city-states, and Penelope is drawn into a difficult balancing act where she has to choose between saving her cousin Clytemnestra, or helping the future king of Mycenae, Orestes.

19 January 2024

2024 reading goals


Reading journal spread with my 2024 reading goals

It's the start of the year and time for some goal setting! My reading goals for 2024 are:

18 January 2024

2023 reading recap

Books I read in 2023


2023 is safely behind us, but I wanted to post a recap of my reading stats and short reviews of my top three reads as well as three honorable mentions. Without further ado…

Hello world!


Shelfie of my favorite classics


…and welcome to my reading nook. I’m Susanna, 41-year-old indie author and an avid reader. Here’s a little bit about myself, what kinds of books I read and write, and what you can expect to see in this blog.

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