22 March 2024

Starting the Editing Process for Draft Four (Writing Vlog #3)

Time for another writing update! My current work in process (working title Project Prehistory) is a coming-of-age story set in a prehistoric matriarchal society. I've been writing and editing it for years, and this year, it's time for the fourth draft.

So far this year I’ve...

  • Read the third draft of Project Prehistory (fast read)
  • Read the third draft again (more thorough read)
  • Read through beta reader feedback
  • Tried to solve the mess that is chapters 4-13
  • Read the third draft for the third time (nit-picky delete-everything-that-doesn’t-belong read)
  • Transferred my notes to the Word document
  • Transferred the beta reader feedback to the Word document

This week, I finally started revising the text. My goal is to get one chapter edited per week. If I can do that, I should be able to finish the fourth draft before Christmas.

If you want to see a more detailed depiction of what my week of editing looked like, check the Youtube video above!

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