09 February 2024

What to Include in a Book Bingo


Reading journal spreads with book bingo

What better way to challenge yourself to read more books than a book bingo? Last year was the first time I tried to fill out one, and I did really well. The only square I didn’t fill was a graphic novel, but hopefully I’ll read one this year – at least I’ve added it on my book bingo card (see more in the set-up of my 2024 reading journal).

Here are some ideas for what to include in a book bingo. All of my reading journals come with a book bingo, but you can get a free book bingo template (as well as a few other reading journal spreads) here.

Representation Matters

The great thing about a book bingo is that you can use it to challenge yourself to read more diversely. I have BIPOC, LGBT+, and disability representation on my 2024 bingo card, but you can go into more detail and name specific identities and perspectives you want to learn more of.


Nationality/Ethnicity of the Author

Another way to diversify your reading is to add authors from different countries and ethnicities. Or simply challenge yourself to read a translated novel.


Different Genres

You can also challenge yourself to read genres that you don’t usually read. I don’t usually read memoirs or biographies, so I’ve added that on my 2024 book bingo. I want to read more sci-fi and fantasy, so they have a place on my bingo card as well. But be realistic about the genres you add. I debated whether to add horror, but I know I wouldn’t enjoy it. Maybe some other year when I’m feeling more experimental!


Try out New Reading Practices

I don’t usually DNF books, so I want to give myself permission to do so this year – and if I do, that earns me a square on my bingo card. I also want to try annotating a book and reading more ebooks – more on those in the post about my reading goals for 2024


More/Less than X Pages

Challenge yourself to tackle those taunting long books on your TBR by adding page count to your bingo card. Or vice versa: I usually read bigger books, so I want to read at least one book that has less than 200 pages.


Release Date

This can be a book from certain decade or century, or a book published the year you were born.


X in the Title or Cover

This can be a word, color, animal, number, theme, number of words in the title, anything you can think of! I gravitate towards blue covers, so in 2024 I want to challenge myself to pick up a red book, as well as a book that has an animal in the title or cover.


Topics or Tropes

Like the above point, this can be anything you can think of or any new thing you want to explore. I’m challenging myself to find a book that involves food. I already read a book that might fit this category, The Book Eaters, but maybe I’ll find a more palatable food item during the rest of the year? We’ll see!


A Book Set in a Certain Place/Country/Continent

In 2023, I read a book set on vacation, but you can also name a specific city or country. Another great way to challenge yourself to read more widely in the geographical sense is to use a Book Voyage. I have one in my reading journal, and this year’s dragon-themed reading journal (*affiliate link) includes room to list the fantasy worlds I’ll travel to via books.

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What else would you add to your book bingo card? Let me know in the comments!

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*As an Amazon affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

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