22 April 2024

Camp NaNoWriMo Week 3 Recap

Week three of Camp NaNoWriMo was a bit of a struggle. I started editing Chapter 7 of Project Prehistory at the end of week two, and I finished editing it on week three of April. Then it was time to move on to Chapter 7. That chapter is the one that needs the most edits of all the chapters in the manuscript. I'm changing the setting of the first scene, and that meant major rewrites. The second scene needs only minor edits, but I'm swapping the order of the last two scenes. That means that I need to change a lot of things to make the scenes make sense, but I think the chapter will be stronger after that.

The first scene of Chapter 7 took the rest of the week to figure out. I took some time off to visit the nearest library and to go houseplant shopping. You can watch the vlog below to find out more about what I got.

I spent Friday editing the second of the two short stories I want to revise during Camp Nano. The second short story is a contemporary fiction, and it was a difficult piece to edit as well. It took me some time to get into the story and reacquaint myself with the narrator's voice. I had hoped to edit half of the short story on Friday, but I only ended up editing about one third of it.

I expect week four of Camp Nano to be full of more struggles as I continue with Chapter 7 and the contemporary fiction short story.

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